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Liberty Church of Christ
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Got any questions or would like to find out more about Liberty Church?

Our church office is located at 122 Waterloo Rd, Greenacre NSW 2190

Our postal address is P.O. Box 135, Greenacre NSW 2190

Email us at

Phone us on (02) 9750 8830

Find us on Facebook at

Our Locations

Liberty Church Greenacre

122 Waterloo Rd, Greenacre, NSW, 2190

Ministering in Greenacre for over 50 years, Liberty Church Greenacre has a long history of supporting our community and bringing the Good News to the people around us.

Liberty Preeschool Greenacre

122 Waterloo Rd, Greenacre, NSW, 2190, located at the rear of the site

Liberty Preschool, located at the rear of our Greenacre site, is a non-profit church-based community preschool that has been serving our community for over 30 years.

Liberty Church Carramar

10 Wilde St, Carramar, NSW, 2163

Located a short walk from Carramar railway station and ministering for over 80 years (formerly Carramar Church of Christ), Liberty Church Carramar has been investing in the community for a significant time.

Liberty Church Menai

48 Bradman Rd, Menai NSW 2234

At Liberty Church Menai we believe that it’s important to meet regularly together, but that doesn’t have to be in the form of a traditional service.