Liberty Greenacre
Ministering in Greenacre for over 50 years, Liberty Church Greenacre has a long history of supporting our community and bringing the Good News to the people around us.
Liberty Carramar
Located a short walk from Carramar railway station and ministering for over 80 years (formerly Carramar Church of Christ), Liberty Church Carramar has been investing in the community for a significant time.
Liberty Menai
At Liberty Church Menai we believe that it’s important to meet regularly together, but that doesn’t have to be in the form of a traditional service.
Liberty Youth
Regenerate Youth Group is a friendly and welcoming community of young people who are in years 7-12 in high school (or equivalent age). It’s a great opportunity for youth to meet new people, hang with friends, learn about Jesus and have a lot of fun – all in a safe and supervised environment.
Liberty Life Groups
Liberty Life Groups are small communities of people keen to explore and live out a faith in Jesus. Our groups meet weekly or fortnightly, and are a safe place to get to know others within the church, study the Bible together and get refuelled. These groups are really where growth happens as we experience God’s love more personally and live out that love together in our daily lives.
Liberty Littles
Liberty Littles is an inclusive and engaging playtime for kids 0-5 years and their carers, that runs from 10am-11:45am on Monday mornings (during school term). Our mornings are filled with songs, free play, story time, morning tea and fun.